Episode 1 - Planet Earth

Planet Earth

Year, 2255

Copilot > Like Google maps but an advance version.

Eliza > Character Info

**Eliza, drives her car with the assistance of an intelligent bot.**


Fastest route is through Laerdal Tunnel,

It's 20 min faster but the tunnel with darkness reigns, vehicles rarely make their way through.

(Do you want to risk ?) 





Alright, the map has been updated to show the quickest route.

(She navigates her car through the dark tunnel, flicks on the headlights, and searches in vain. Undeterred, she continues forward until a figure catches her eye.)


Beeb Beep...

Attention: There is an object 50 meters ahead

Beeb Beep...

Attention: There is an object 40 meters ahead

Beeb Beep...

Attention: There is an object 30 meters ahead

Beeb Beep...

Attention: There is an object 20 meters ahead

Beeb Beep...

Attention: There is an object 10 meters ahead.

(Drawing closer, she discovered that it was a person concealed in darkness. With a gasp, she brings the car to a halt.)

**Silence & Darkness**

(She took a closer look and, was astonished to see none other than Albert Einstein!)

**Eliza Gets down the car, Walks Toward him**


"I am aware of your reputation, Albert Einstein, as a great scientist known for your contributions to quantum mechanics, theories about gravity, and motion. However, I have also learned that you passed away in 1955."

"But ... The sad news is."

**Dust spreads, Eliza Coughs**

(Albert Einstein, transforms into Eliza. It's represented as 'Fake Eliza' Below)


"I'm International police officer, I am here to apprehend you for transforming into someone who doesn't exist."

Fake Eliza:


 "Apprehend me?"

 "Or your self?"


"Wait. No!"

"How could you do that?"

"How were you able to undergo such a rapid transformation?"

Fake Eliza:

"Hmmm, and guess what?"

"Since I'm you right now, I have the power to access all your past memories."


Beeb Beep...

Caution: *Oxygen Depletion*

Beeb Beep...

Attention: 25 additional radiations have been discovered, with one of them being identified as UV radiation. However, the remaining 24 radiations are currently unidentifiable.





Whispers, 'I need to get out of here'

**Walks fast towards her car**

Fake Eliza:

"Hey, Hold on!"

"I Need your help!"

"Give me the name of the scientist who invented the time machine"

**Eliza, Gets inside the car**


"Looking for answer in the web"

"Ronald Lawrence Mallett is famous for his work in time travel, quantum cosmology, and relativistic astrophysics."

**Eliza, Selects**

Stop Responding


"Nobody has invented it yet!"

Fake Eliza:

"Ronald Lawrence Mallett?"


"He hasn't traveled through time. Maybe, try transforming into him. You might get some idea."

Fake Eliza:


"I wish we could see again"


( Eliza, Successfully passes through the tunnel and gets to the other side.)

**Gets a Call**


"Copilot, connect me to the call"

+1 264xxxxxxx:

"Have you ... witnessed the creature?"

"I heard, it has the ability ... to transform ... into various forms!"


"Yeah, and"

"Copilot, Summarize the place"


The Laerdal Tunnel was enveloped in darkness, with no lighting and completely covered in dust. The tunnel emitted 25 harmful rays of an unknown frequency, one of which was discovered to be UV. It took 45 minutes to pass through the tunnel.

Past Warnings!

*Oxygen Depletion*

25 additional radiations have been discovered, with one of them being identified as UV radiation. However, the remaining 24 radiations are currently unidentifiable.


"Thank you very much for taking the time to read this Episode. Episode 2 is Coming Soon!"

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  Eliza's Character Info
